Tuesday, April 26, 2011

aku perlukan dia..

hmm.. i dunno why.. i just need her to share my probs. aku salu citer kat dy sume masalah aku. sometimes, borak2 dgn dy pon dah buat aku lega. aku tahu ko jauh weh, tapi ko penah ingat ke kat aku?? nak text kau, takut ganggu ko jep, i know u r really busy rght now,.. but, at least tolong la jgn macam nie,. aku kesunyian lepas ko tak ade. ape aku nak buat? aku rase tak ade sape2 aku nk share probs aku. aku susah nk share dgn org len. dgn ko, sume benda aku cakap.. now, aku hanya leh drive kete smbil dgr lagu kuat2!! mybe this is the way to release my tension. n 1 more thing, with this blog. aku rase aku tulis2 nie pon da boleh slow down kan sikit rase sunyi aku.. just like i'm sharing my probs wif others. i hope u read all my posts. ok, that's all.. i hope u will be fine.. salam.

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