Saturday, February 13, 2010

mulut jaga2 la sikit!

U dont have d right to teach us if urself are still bad n worse!! come on beb! every make mistakes! i know dat.. but!! every mistake has their own solutions.. dont make the thing become even bad as u couldnt try to fix it!.. dont scold us juz like we're known so well.. dont make us feel angry coz we're teenage dat growing to learn some new things.. as the ordinary person, why can we calm ourselves down and start to think really deep of what we are doing..
doesnt make any sense if we say dat person is bad, dat person is wrong and so on.. we should think dat we're same!! everyone makes mistake! but dont let urself in terkurung dlm masalah je.. teachers! xspecially prac teachers....hey... u learn many thing since u're born rght!?? good thing rght?? but y u give d bad attitudes and behave to us?? is it make sense? we're only students that will ends up our schooling season within few months.. please! change! change!.. dont spoil our goodness, behaviour, temper, and bad talk.. if so, u'll get the rght lesson and evil even tough speech from us.. u want it? just make it la..
dis is not unly for teachers but for other people also!
spe makan cili dy terase pedasnye... huhu
sorry for all the nonsense!


teens life said...

oyoyo .
kalo pon geram sgt, kgn la smpai grammar berterabur giler .
hehe .
men2 je .

teens life said...


nurul faiezin said...

hahaha.. ala... sme je klu org tu da marah gak..

aqilah said...

mrh xmarah..
kalo dh xreti speaking tuu,,
msti la grammar pon berterabur, atie (: